Whereas with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic Caledon has seen a dramatic increase in visitors to an already stressed system forcing Caledon to pivot from generic promotion of tourism to destination management — solving problems of over tourism, while creating opportunities for much needed economic development/sustainability and environmental protection;
Whereas the residents are the life blood and the custodians of our historic villages and natural treasures, caring for the beauty of the Town and Region, upholding shared values, creating wonderful local-character businesses, fueling thriving communities that locals enjoy alongside visitors;
Whereas these characteristics are the foundation of rural authenticity that visitors want to experience and are the cornerstone of successful sustainable tourism strategies around the world and close at hand including, but not limited to, Prince Edward County, Norfolk County, Niagara-on-the-Lake; and
Whereas residents now recognize that Caledon’s natural and historical resources need to be protected and nurtured to serve as a regional asset in collaboration with our Provincial and Conservation Authority partners.
Now therefore be it resolved that the Town adopt the three equal pillars including; culture, economic and environmental sustainability to achieve successful destination management in the Town of Caledon;
That staff be directed to coordinate with the province, conservation authorities and region to assess and utilize the existing strategies and plans for all green assets in Caledon to develop a successful destination management plan for the Town of Caledon;
That staff be directed to develop a current parking asset inventory and a future parking strategy including the utilization of mobile destination management technology in order to assess current parking assets (or lack thereof), developing a plan to provide more and connected to desired visitor thresholds of assets/destinations;
That Staff report back in the fall of 2021 with a strategy workplan that includes terms of reference and resource requirements to be considered in the 2022 budget;
That staff be directed to create the terms of reference for an Advisory Committee to advise Council regarding destination management, the development of a tourism strategy and identify and share evolving priorities regarding tourism in Caledon; and
That the membership of the advisory Committee be comprised of two members of Council, liaison members from the region and conservation authorities and five members of the community.