Planning and Development Committee Meeting Minutes

Hybrid / Council Chamber
Members Absent
  • Councillor L. Kiernan
  • Councillor C. Early
  • Councillor N. de Boer
  • Mayor A. Groves
  • Councillor T. Rosa
  • Myuran Palasandiran
  • Dave Forfar
  • Antonietta Minichillo
  • Councillor D. Sheen
  • Councillor M. Russo
  • Councillor D. Maskell
  • Councillor C. Napoli


  • That the Chief Planner and Commissioner, Engineering, Public Works and Transportation be delegated authority to finalize and approve the Mayfield West Phase 2, Stage 2 Community-Wide Development Staging and Sequencing Plan (DSSP) in accordance with the principles set out in Staff Report 2023-0622; and

    That no plans of subdivision be registered in the Mayfield West Phase 2, Stage 2 Secondary Plan area until the approved Development Staging and Sequencing Plan (DSSP) is executed and is in full force and effect.

  • That the proposed Designated Heritage Property Grant Program recipients listed in Schedule A to Staff Report 2023-0600, be approved.

  • That Council support in principle the employment land conversion of the Dry Industrial area near the future Bolton GO Station, which would be subject to a subsequent public engagement process, and the approval of future amendments to the Region of Peel Official Plan and Town of Caledon Official Plan; and

    That staff be directed to provide copies of Staff Report 2023-0631, any supporting materials and the related Planning and Development Committee meeting minutes to the Region of Peel’s Chief Planner/Director, Planning and Development Services.

  • That the recommendations as outlined in Report 2023-0673, and as shown on Schedule A, be endorsed, regarding Bill 150, the Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, and the Ministers decision on the approval of the Peel 2051 Official Plan;

    That staff be directed to provide a copy of this report and attachments to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, for consideration by the Minister in the review and approval of the recently adopted Region of Peel Official Plan;

    That the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to consider the recommendations contained in this report in their final decision on the Peel 2051 Official Plan, and that the Minister approve the additional modifications requested by the Town of Caledon as reflected in the Council endorsed Caledon Growth Concept; and

    That a copy of Report 2022-0303 be provided to the Region of Peel, the City of Brampton, the City of Mississauga, and Sylvia Jones, MPP for Dufferin-Caledon.

The Committee adjourned at

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