Emergency Town Council Meeting Post-Meeting Agenda

Hybrid / Council Chamber



This meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting with Members of Council participating in person at Town Hall and remotely. Members of the public are invited to view the meeting by attending in person, watching the live stream or calling into the meeting.

Should you wish to attend this meeting in person, you are encouraged to complete the Participation Request form on the Town's website. 

The live stream of this meeting will be available on the Town's website approximately five (5) minutes prior to the start of the meeting.

Members of the public that wish to call into the meeting can listen to the proceedings at:

Toll Free Phone Number: 1-833-311-4101
Meeting Access Code: 2633 922 2541#

If you have questions or comments regarding items on this agenda, please contact Council and Committee Services by email to agenda@caledon.ca or by phone at 905.584.2272 ext. 2366. Please advise us if you require an accessibility accommodation to participate in the meeting or if you require this package in an alternative format.

  • Indigenous Land Acknowledgement

Presentation by Antonietta Minichillo, Director, Planning / Chief Planner, Andrew Pearce, Director, Engineering and Heather Savage, Director, Community Services

A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council for the Corporation of the Town of Caledon at its Council Meeting held on the 25th day of November, 2022