Planning and Development Committee Meeting Consolidated Agenda 
Please note that added or revised items are denoted by an asterisk (*).

Electronic Meeting


In consideration of the current COVID-19 Public Health orders, prohibiting large public gatherings and requirements for physical distancing between persons, this meeting will be held as an electronic meeting and will be streamed live on the Town's website.

If you would like to register to delegate or have questions or comments regarding items on this agenda, please contact Council & Committee Services by email to or by phone at 905.584.2272 ext. 2366. 

In addition to being able to view the live stream, members of the public are invited to call into the meeting to listen to the proceedings at:

Toll Free Phone Number: 1-833-311-4101
Meeting Access Code: 2633 291 8935#

Please advise us if you require an accessibility accommodation to participate in the meeting.

For the purposes of an Official Plan Amendment to re-designate the property from Low Density Residential to Institutional and a Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone the lands from Rural Residential (RR) to a site-specific Institutional Exception to permit the development of a three storey Seniors Retirement Facility. The proposal includes a total of 127 units consisting of a mix of unit types and levels of care. 

*The delegate has withdrawn their request to speak to the above noted application.